DJ PROFILE Finalgirl Mp3 Listen Live Show: Tuesday 4PM - 6PM + SCHEDULE Biography For the At-Risk Kid, the Faint Hearts, the Junkies, and the Love of Your Life. Messy Music to rest yr heart and spill yr guts to. To play till yr face turns red and yr eyes are seein’ starzzz ✭ ★ ✪ Listen Live Show: Tuesday 4PM - 6PM + SCHEDULE MORE DJ'S NEWGLOOM LMU STUDENT DJ; THURS // 10PM-11PM KathyDiaz Show: ALMA DEL BARRIO DJ • Papunky LMU STUDENT DJ; MON // 9AM - 10:30AM CowlickerRadio TUES // 2PM - 4PM SevenWonders THURS // 10AM - 12PM burnrubber LMU STUDENT DJ; WEDS // 6AM - 8AM